Your serial number is very important to check on your bike and keep somewhere handy in case your bike goes missing because photos of your bike just aren’t enough in the event that you need to track down your beloved bicycle. It is sometimes referred to as a bike frame number. Yet, quite alarmingly, less than 20 percent of bike owners know their bike’s serial number, as Bicycle Law reports.Ī bike serial number is basically a string of digits that will have between six and 10 numbers in it. This is the most important feature of your bike because if it gets stolen this number can help you track it down. You’ve just purchased a brand new bike and the first thing you want to do is take it out for a ride, but before you do that there’s something else you need to do ASAP: you need to find your bike’s serial number. Check out our constantly updated resource on the best cycling deals)
(Hunting for a deal? Several retailers are running sales even before Black Friday. Home » Explore » Can You Look Up A Bike Serial Number?